Open sourcing + new ONwS game?

Hello there.

With ONwS 4 being cancelled due to my parents deleting my discord account and causing me to lose motivation for the project, I've decided to  dump the WHOLE series assets (code, zip files, beta builds, etc) so people can use them for whatever they want. I'm starting with ONwS 2, since almost every other game has been open sourced.

ONwS 2 was rushed, used Bisket Dog's engine, and didn't turn out like the way I wanted it. However, it became the most successful ONwS game to date, with over one thousand views as I'm writing this.

I have plans for a new ONwS game, it's set to release on the first game's anniversary,. I'm not spoiling much for it, but just know it will be nostalgic, very nostalgic...

Also joined my Guilded ig


One Night with Spong 2 SOURCE CODE.sb3 48 MB
Apr 18, 2022
One Night with Spong Play in browser
Dec 25, 2021

Get One Night with Spong 2: Christmas Cuckoldry

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